How To Measure

Remodeling and Measuring Your Kitchen Cabinets

Sometimes you can remodel old cabinets by painting them, replacing the doors and hardware, or hiring a company specializing in applying new finishes. Often, however, the best solution is to install new cabinets. Improving your kitchen with great-looking kitchen cabinets is a worthwhile investment. They define your kitchen and are the most utilized units in this area. Good quality kitchen cabinets, indeed, give more value to your kitchen.

Are refacing kitchen cabinets worth it? It’s worth refacing kitchen cabinets due tο thе fact thаt іt wουld bе a fаntаѕtіс investment tο уουr home. Whеn уου саn’t afford tο bυу nеw furniture fοr уουr kitchen, remodeling уουr kitchen cabinets wіll give a nеw look, feel, аnd style plus raising thе value οn уουr house.

Tips on Measuring Your Kitchen Cabinets

If you’re considering a new kitchen or a basic kitchen refacing, decide on the general layout of the kitchen cabinets based on the available space. Kitchens come in various styles, like single-row, L- or corner-shape, and U-shape kitchens with or without kitchen islands, so what goes where is determined by space’s size.

 When it comes to measuring for cabinets, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Take note of the window scale and placement, as well as the dimensions of the trim and sill.
  • Measure any objects that will remain in the room and relate to your floor plan.
  • On your sketch, make a note of where the ventilation and ductwork are located.
  • Write down any electrical details, such as light switches and outlets that must remain or may be relocated.
  • If you are working with existing lighting fixtures, make a list of their measurements so that taller things like pantry cabinets, refrigerators, or crown moldings don’t get in the way.
  • After your designer has measured the space, double-check the measurements before placing your order; each component will be custom-made for you.

 To ensure an excellent design, measurement of the walls, where the cabinets will be placed, must be taken. It is essential to measure the total length that the cabinets extend to, not where the countertop ends.

 If there is a window, measure how far the window or window casing’s edge is to the corner and the window’s total length and height. If the kitchen does not have a corner to go off, it is still essential to get the measurements of the window’s location so that we can determine how it may impact the placement of cabinets.

 Ceiling height must be measured to determine the size of upper cabinets going in.

 Center measurements of the sink, stove, fridge, and any other appliance in the layout are needed.

 Additional photos of the current kitchen will help us have a better understanding of the measurements brought in.